Leadership & Management
Preview a sample of our most popular videos or check out our Leadership & Management subtopics below.
Becoming a Servant Leader

Welcome to the ‘Becoming a Servant Leader’ video lesson meant to describe the essential qualities of a servant leader. This lesson is the second of three in the ‘Leveraging Servant Leadership for Your Team’ video course, which is meant to describe to leaders the benefits of a serving mindset for securing the success of their teams. From having empathy to being humble, servant leaders have strong emotional intelligence. Plus, while servant leaders have stellar interpersonal skills, they also have strong focus on business results.
Performance Management: Holding Coaching Conversations

Welcome to the “Holding Coaching Conversations” video lesson intended to teach learners how to have effective coaching conversations that will help employees improve their performance. This video lesson is the third of four in the “Performance Management” video course, which describes how to help employees reach their highest potential. Throughout this lesson, viewers will learn the benefits of having coaching conversations and review tips for making coaching conversations as impactful as possible.
Excelling as a Manager or Supervisor: Supervisor, Manage Thyself

Identify strategies to create a more positive attitude in yourself, and how to implement the CALM method to keep in control.
Management Basics: Common Mistakes of Managers

Welcome to ‘Common Mistakes of Managers,’ a video lesson that describes how you can derail your own career as a manager through ten common errors. This lesson is the final of four in the ‘Management Basics’ video course meant to lay the foundation for understanding what it means to be and succeed as a manager in any organization. Do you over-manage your employees? Have you ever been accused of being too dependent on others? If so, chances are, you might be a derailer. Derailers are managers who make mistakes that hold them back and prevent them from arriving at the top of their organizations.
Understanding Employee Motivation

Welcome to the ‘Understanding Employee Motivation’ video lesson meant to convey how knowing what employees value can improve how you give recognition. This lesson is the second of four in the ‘Motivating Employees with Recognition’ video course meant to describe the importance of recognition for improving employee morale and work performance. From this lesson, leaders will learn how to ask the right questions to pin down the extrinsic and intrinsic factors that motivate their employees. By acquiring this critical information, leaders will be able to better serve their employees and foster greater productivity and a positive work culture.
Superior Leadership Episode 7: Micromanagement!

This video is part of the "Superior Leadership" series, "Part 2: Leadership Qualities to Avoid Like the Plague." Leadership is a skill – and like any other skill, you’ll get worse if you don’t practice (which is why your three-point shot is probably pretty bad). Our "Superior Leadership" series will give you the reinforcement to become an even better leader than you already are – and you’re going to like this more than any leadership training you’ve ever experienced. That’s a fact.
Sample of Our Leadership & Management Subtopics
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